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The Dear Body Podcast

Aug 21, 2019

Have you heard the news? Weight Watchers created a new app called Kurbo, which was designed for kids as young as 8-years-old. It teaches children a traffic light system to categorize foods under green light, yellow light and red light. This might seem like a good idea on the surface to help inform children about nutrition and help them make smarter choices with food. The problem is, this system mimics what it’s like to count calories and labeling foods as good or bad. However, when you understand the psychology of eating disorders and how they develop, it becomes shockingly disturbing to think about what this app could cause by setting our children up for a lifetime struggle of weight cycling and eating disorders. It’s so important that this topic receives pressure and attention it deserves so we can reverse the inevitable damage that it will cause if it continues to move forward. On this episode, you’ll hear Jessi’s thoughts on Kurbo, along with what the National Eating Disorder Association said about the app. You’ll also find out what you can do to let Weight Watchers know that you aren’t okay with this app for children.


In this episode:

  • The new Weight Watchers app is for children
  • Understanding the psychology of eating disorders and how this will affect children
  • What the National Eating Disorder Association said about the Kurbo app
  • Looking at children's weight through such a narrow lense
  • The correlation between diet and weight gain
  • Weight Watchers knowing about weight cycling
  • Unlearning rules, macro counting and meal plans
  • Getting to know your hunger, fullness and satiety cues
  • How tracking her food affected her self worth
  • Becoming dependent on an app to guide our eating
  • Learning to use intuitive eating
  • What you can do to show Weight Watchers that you aren’t okay with this



The National Eating Disorder Associations response to Kurbo

Sign The Petition To Remove Children's Weight Loss App

Grab a copy of Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch's book Intuitive Eating which includes information on how to raise and intuitive eater


Write a letter to Weight Watchers CEO, Mindy Grossman to: 

Weight Watchers International

Mindy Grossman

675 Avenue of the Americas, 6th floor

New York, NY 10010


On Instagram:

Follow and use the hashtag #WakeUpWeightWatchers to join the conversation and raise awareness


Experts on Instagram to follow:


Remember to sign for Jessi’s VIP email list here where she will share exclusive content: *You don’t want to miss the 1st email which includes an EPIC workbook guide for alll my visual gals on Nervous System Regulation!

Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Book your free strategy call to see if The Food Freedom Online Program is a good fit for you:

You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!